Monday, October 25, 2010

P.I matrix

 Shows weeks of work
 Audience is very interested
 I've done the work myself
 Research in my words – with my personality in it
 Contains humour(?)
 Interaction with the audience
 Speech is confident, clear and with action and expression

 Shows three or four weeks of work
 Contains pictures and steps
 Information is interesting and in my own words
 Adults have supported me without doing work for me
 Some humour
 Some interaction
 Audience is attentive
 Speech is clear

 Shows about a week’s work
 A little information – some in my own words
 Adults have done some of it for me
 No interaction with the audience
 No humour
 Poor presentation
 Few pictures

 Reads the words on the PowerPoint or GlogClearly started at the last minute Hardly any info
 Parents have done a lot of it for me
 No pictures or steps
 Copied straight off the internet
 No humour
 Not finished on time
 Untidy presentation
 Speech is not very clear

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Writing moderation

Chaz Rossiter

Year 5


October 2010

I went tramping up a big steep hill I started climbing the hill I was sweating hard like the water in my face.

I nearly slipped off the tramping hill of tyres I got up the hill and I had to go down a rope.

As I was going down the rope I slipped, tumbled and fall rolling down the tramping hill.

I got to the bottom and I bounced like a kangaroo down to the next tramping hill and I started climbing it.

As I was going up and up and up until finally I got to the top and there was another rope I went down and I was going pretty fast I got to the bottom I finished the course YEYYYYYYY.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Term 4 goal

P.I assessment

What did I learn: I learned that I speak louder.
What did I do well: I did my settings well in my P.I.
What is my next learning step: To put my book lower.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Term 3 goal assesssment

What did I learn: I learned that I can work harder to get up a Independence level.
What did I do well: I got to level 3.
What is my next learning step: Try to get to level 4.